Monday, 14 December 2015


Not long ago, I posted an article on reasons why android devices are better than Apple's iPhone. Now let's look at reasons why iPhone 6s and 6s Plus beat any  androids smartphones

  1. The 3D Touch Experience
Apple introduced a new technology into its new iPhone thar no android maker ever or plans to introduce—The 3D Touch display. This feature that is being rolled out on the latest iPhones is termed the next evolution of the multi-touch display, and can sense points of input and as well sense how much pressure the user applies to the screen. Press lightly and get one action, like a preview of an email or link. Press harder and get another action like popping into the actual message of an email. The level of pressure you apply determines the different actions you get. No other ties hardware and software together like this except Apple.

2. Handy OS Updates 

iOS 9 was released in September 2015, and as at November 2015, about 66 percent of all apple mobile already runs the update. Compare this to Android Lollipop 5.0 which was released in Nov 2014 but right now runs on just 25.6 percent of all android devices. Not to mention the latest android OS, Android Marshmallow 6.0 which was released in September 2015 but runs right now on just a 0.3 percent of all android devices.

The problem is, apart from pure Android phones like Google Nexus, other Android phone makers like Samsung, HTC, LG and others have to undergo several processes before bringing their users the latest version of Google's OS, including career certificates.

More so, many Android phone makers typically drag their feet on updating older phones, so as to encourage you to buy their latest product.

3. Awesome Cameras

The 12-MP with the 4k video capture on iPhone 6s and 6s plus makes pictures appear so crisply. This is no surprise since the iphone series  boast of the best camera integration in the smartphone world. Also is the FaceTime HD with a new Rectina Flash feature that boosts the brightness of the screen which doubles as a flash. The FaceTime HD is perfect for taking selfie.

4. Best Apps First

Many apps developers favor having their apps run first on the iOS before any other platform. So you get hottest new apps on the Apple market before they appear on the Google playstore for Androids. For example, Instagram debuted on the Google Playstore two years after it first appeared on Apple store. Other apps have taken few months while some take just a month to appear on Playstore after appearing on Apple store. 
The point is that no one like to be treated like a second-class app citizen. So the iPhone takes the lead in this regard. 

5. Best Support and Help

Android phone users rely on online forums most of the time to have problems with their devices solved. This is not so with the iPhone because of the vast and useful articles on Apple's website. iPhone users can also get help via live chat or even schedule an appointment at an Apple store Genius Bar. This kind of direct relationship is not made available to Android users by Google.

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